Unsuccesful Expedition (unexp.it)
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"Unsuccesful Expedition" by Lionmaster, abioqaas_hotmail.com Playing time: 4:59 Style: Don't ask me! Comments: Another experimental production brought to you by Lionmaster. Again some 303-sound are included, but this time it's through PCF. Sounds kinda cool, almost like acid. However, this tune ain't acid. The drums are also done by me. Samples are from all over the place. I've got one sample from Cactus' brilliant "Here's Andy", the piano is from an old tune called "Harmony". Don't even ask me about the strings, I simply do not remember! I hope you enjoy this tune, I sure enjoyed tracking it. This tune is dedicated to all disappointed people out there! Greets to: Same as usual. Thanx to: All beautiful things in life for inspiration, people who make samples and Olivier Lapicque for designing Modplug Player. Modplug player rules! Get it, now!!! (from www.castlex.com/modplug) It's simply the best mod player out there! It can play a huge variety of different formats and it has some pretty neat features too! I'd advise you to also listen to this (and all my other tunes) with it. Phew! That's about it for now. Got nuthin' else to say. Dont worry, though: the Lionmaster never sleeps... (That's why I'm so goddamn tired!)
Bass -Cactus Samples marked with -Lm are made by me, Lionmaster Drumloop -Lm Piano String Guitar??(or something) 909BD -Lm 808SD -Lm Sub BD -Lm Cymbal String String 303 sound#1 -Lm 303 sound#2 -Lm Snare
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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