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By TOKIO Arranged by Xethyr From DBZ tv special one. Music from Bardock's fights. (I tried on the guitar solo part, not quite as good at it yet. There's more at t for some reason it has deleted the last couple of patterns. I'll try to work on get the total thing up.)
Saw Wave Bass Drum 1 (Power) Solo Vox Vibraphone Charang Choir Aahs Chinese Cymbal (Room) Music Box OrchestraHit Overdrive Gt Acoustic Snare (Electronic Saw Wave Power Solo Vox Vibraphone Charang Choir Aahs Room Music Box OrchestraHit Overdrive Gt Saw Wave Saw Wave Saw Wave Solo Vox Vibraphone Vibraphone Vibraphone Vibraphone arimba Charang Charang Saw Wave Choir Aahs trings Music Box Music Box Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Electronic
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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