Firestarter remix (tbfire.xm)
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Firestarter TB made this Prodigy made the original Bassbeat.smp Cymbal.smp Heyhey.smp Intro.smp Wowwow.smp I'mthe.smp Slide.smp Fear.smp Punk.smp Danger.smp Fire1.smp Twisted.smp Snare 02 NoRuleZ, Another Cymbal Nthsship.smp
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I don't know the original from Prodigy, but I think the original is made better. TB only used lots and lots of drum- and guitar loops. There are hardly any own melodies. But the samples are used in a clever combination, thus the 7.0 quick rating. The whole track just sounds good! It' something different and unique and can be distinguished from other techno tracks of the scene. In this tune, many different styles are coming together, from dance to jungle, from rock to pop (so the Crossover classification). TB has used a wide range of different fx, including stereo panning, Sample Offset, Patternbreak and Note Delay. The samples are in medium quality, the worst of all are the vocal samples, which have been stolen from the Prodigy original, of course. However, you can't do something wrong if you try a download and have a listen to this. On the one hand, it's not the best track coming from the artist, TB, but on the other hand not the worst.