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The Good StuffSummary
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-St3vor You might not be aware, but this is my first ever Impulse tracker module I made on my own!! Kinda shows really. I think this song sounds pretty poor in some places due to my inexperience with this tracker.:) There arnt many effects and stuff like that. Anyway, made in Modplug Tracker so I suggest modplug as the preffered player. Look forward to more IT modules from me. CYA!!!!!! (they will be better. Im continuously learning...) song story... patterns 1 - 14 = The prelude to destruction patterns 15 - 26 = The fury is let loose ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A recent tropical cyclone (thats a hurrican or typhoon) battered the West Australian town of Exmouth in late March 1999. It flattened the entire town, and brought forth utter destruction to people's lives, not in just Exmouth, but in the towns surrounding it, including Canarvon, and all the way down to Moora just over 100k north of Perth. This song is dedicated to whose lives were shattered by the onslaught of this terrible storm. The cyclone's name was Vance. We all hope your lives can be repaired... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c)1999 St3vor #19063615 visit my page and submit an entry to my mod compo!!
Percussion - Azo PianoLow - Chris Jarvis PianoMid - Chris Jarvis PianoHi - Chris Jarvis gitar pad1 - ZPP Waves1 - St3vor Waves2 - St3vor ThunderBolt - ArchAngel Clapper - St3vor Winddamage - St3vor GuitarPad1 Bass Drum Snare Drum Closed Hihat Open Hihat Crash Cymbal Reverse Cymbal Tambourine 2 Twinkle ntitled2 untitled3 untitled4 untitled5 Waves Waves4 57-1 yn5ths tringChord1 trings2 Waves1 - St3vor Waves4 Thunder Clapguy Damaged
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This song begins with a thrilling thunder effect, something that put me in the perfect mood for listening to this music genre. After 20 secs of thunder and wavesounds, the drums make their entry. Rythm is pretty cool, and it actually changes when the song is half played, resulting in a nice liftup for the song For some people this mod can be a bit irritating, but also make you lay down in bed and relax..... I couldn'd see many advanced effects in this song, but it didn't need much more than the instruments. The samples are good, and they all match very well together. If you like this style, my recommandation is: Download it!