un peu + a l'ouest (unpeuplu.mod)
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The Good StuffSummary
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doh / dream dealers ! this module ranked at the party iv compo as at each party my tunes are shortplayed i decided to make a (very)short version of this one...you can get the original,long version by writing me doh / dreamdealers 80 rue de sarzeau 35700 rennes / france
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It's a silly Western themed mod. Very The Good the Bad and the Ugly. Starts out pretty much deadpan, then gets increasingly silly towards the end. Well done. The whip and gun samples are a bit poor though. I do like the whistle - it sounds like a real person. Is it? The harmonica is spot-on in some spots, and quite poor in others, but this is partly used to poke fun at the tune as it continues. 6-7.