Deja vu (
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Deja Vu ("Somewhere heard but don't know where...") (c)St December 2002 As all songs which I wrote off-the-cuff, "Deja Vu" is quite simple, but nice to listen. I'm going to track the sequel someday... if You can do this faster, then do and don't forget to tip-off me :) All samples from midi library If you liked this, seek for St or mailto
Piano 2 Organ 2 Nylon-str.Gt Fingered Bs. Bowed Glass Steel Drums Drum Kit DistortionGt Gt.Harmonics Brass 1 Timpani Slow Strings Trumpet Warm Pad Overdrive Gt Picked Bs. Piano 2 Piano 2 Piano 2 Piano 2 Piano 2 Piano 2 Piano 2 Piano 2 Piano 2 Piano 2 Organ 2 Organ 2 Organ 2 Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Nylon-str.Gt Fingered Bs. Fingered Bs. Fingered Bs. Fingered Bs. Bowed Glass Bowed Glass Bowed Glass Bowed Glass Bowed Glass Steel Drums Steel Drums Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Gt.Harmonics Brass 1 DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt Gt.Harmonics Timpani Slow Strings Trumpet Warm Pad Overdrive Gt Picked Bs. verdrive Gt verdrive Gt Brass 1 Brass 1 Brass 1 Slow Strings Slow Strings Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Trumpet Standard Standard Standard Warm Pad Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Overdrive Gt Picked Bs. Picked Bs. Picked Bs. Picked Bs. Picked Bs. istortionGt istortionGt istortionGt verdrive Gt
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