"Daimond" (v_diamond.xm)
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VooDoo Presents _________ "Diamond" ________ 2.39 long TT-TechmoTrollen= VooDoo & cYrOn E-Mail Tompa_lord_hotmail.com www.listen.to/cyron Clap.wav Tr_-_904.wav Tr_-_930.wav _ Cruz Tr_-_937.wav clap.reverb BASS_001.WAV BASS_017.WAV >>>>>> RAVE BEAT <<<<< XMAS.WAV Bass4.smp
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Well, there are no melodee in this techno module, or something which can make it better "listenfriendly". Alltogether is actually very monotonous and simple. A bass which continously do the same, some no-cool rythm/drums and the groove-factor is bad aswell. No out-of-tunes here, but with no melodee, it almost can't BE o-o-tune. It isn't a wonder a the tech.side either, it isn't complicated, there isn't used many effects or nothing which is refreshing. The samples is a bit cheap .. some awesome samps could have fixed the song much better then it is. Not too much changed patterns, I can really tell ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨---__:)