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Untitled #1 (untitle1.it)

Info Summary

  • untitle1.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 187.46KB in size and has been downloaded 2999 times since Wed 29th Oct 1997 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 59117
  • Downloads: 2999
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 7e38e009a09c590f0ab267b2ae0a1f2f
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 11
  • Uncompressed Size: 187.46KB
  • Genre: Pop - Synth

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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  • None, yet!

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Stary on Sat 28th Nov 1998, rated 8 / 10.

This is certainly a good one. The artist has really managed to put feeling into the song, especially the bass track. The lead track is strong, and the surounding sounds give the song a great atmosphere. This one's really worth the download time, and it's stuck in my head already. The artist's work on this song really payed off, the mix and selection of samples are good, giving the song a real synth feeling. It isn't that complex, and it doesn't use huge amounts of channels, but the things it has are really well controlled. The only bad thing as I see it is that the bass sample blur a bit when it's played as closely as it is on different channels. The feeling of the song makes up for that many times over.

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Info Internal Texts *

Written by Stefan Xenos AKA Cyclone
Copyright (c) 1997 Stefan Xenos

  I wrote this mod as an excuse to try a bunch of new things. I think this
is my first mod ever to use speed 8. The slower speed gives this tune a
sort of mellow sound which I rather like. I was also playing around with
switching between minor and major keys. Until now, I've always favoured
minor keys. This is mostly because all my songs written in a major key
have always sounded like "mario brothers meet binky the circus clown". The
end result being depressingly cheerful.

  I was also attempting to learn how to use proper instruments. Until
now I've always used raw samples, but when I downloaded IT v2.09, I
decided I just had to try out some of these cool new instrument gizmos.
I think the result was well worth the trouble. The instruments sound GREAT
and I didn't have to spend hundreds of hours manually entering all
the volume slides, vibrato, panning effects, and randomising the volumes.
I think you'll be seeing more ITs being written by me in the near future.

BTW, I think I've found a new favorite lead instrument! <grin>

The hidden track in this tune is a reproduction of an old amiga MOD called
"Select". It's always been a favorite of mine. I inlcuded it here because
it was simply the first thing I thought of when trying to decide on a
hidden track.

My coordinates:

        I can be reached at the following locations:

        - Hyper BBS at (613) 257-7636.
        - Via the internet at SXENOS_CHAT.CARLETON.CA
        - On any international Fidonet music or programming echo.

        You can pick up my most recent music from:

        - Hyper BBS (613)257-7636. This BBS has all my music
          posted the moment it gets released.
        - The Hornet demo archive at FTP.CDROM.COM will generally
          have most of my tunes within a month of them being released.


        I'd like to say a friendly "hello" to the following people:

        - Will Schweizer, my excellent co-sysop, friend, and a kick-ass
          musician. (AKA Bishop / Intra)
        - Omega, Intra's great leader and the only guy on the face of
          the planet who can code a decent demo entirely in Qbasic.
        - Thinkofanaliasandstickwithitman, Intra's original musician
          (he suffers from a sever case of multiple alias disorder).
          I believe he's going under the alias "Psycho Chicken" at the
        - Preacher / Intra, a old friend and excellent graphic artist.
        - Robert Mohid, an unbelievable programmer in pretty much any
          language you'd care to throw his way, and probably the only
          person remaining who still listens to my music.
        - ...all the members of Intra not listed here.
        - David Mackintosh, the most entertaining guy I've ever met.
        - And most of all my beautiful sweet girlfriend, Melissa.

Sample credits:

        - Samples 9-11 were ripped from Necros.

        - Samples 5-8 (the drum samples) were ripped from the 2nd place
          entry at naid. It was called "Pain", although I don't know who
          the author was.

        - The remaining samples were ripped way back before I came up with
          a system for keeping track of where my samples came from.

Very cool bass synth

Techno bass drum
Kick Drum
Guitar, bending
Guitar, lead

Techno bass drum

  By Cyclone / Intra
(c) 1997 Stefan Xenos

   Happy new year!

Playing time: 3 min 24s
Composed in about 17 hrs
Completed on Jan 4, 1997

You may distribute this
tune in any manner, as
long as I am credited
as the original author.

See the song message
for more info about this
tune (hit Shift-F9 to
read it if you're using
Impulse Tracker)

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
