Feathers in Vasona (vasona.it)
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Posted by St3vor on Fri 12th Mar 1999, rated 9 / 10.
This song is fantastic. It has a really nice tune to it. The instruments used are of great variety ranging from piano to a pluck. The beat is really nice and the tune has a nice lead. The sample quality, song arrangement, use of effecs and instruments are quite superb!
This song is fantastic. It has a really nice tune to it. The instruments used are of great variety ranging from piano to a pluck. The beat is really nice and the tune has a nice lead. The sample quality, song arrangement, use of effecs and instruments are quite superb!
Internal Texts *
Sighte: Vasona Lake is a small pond in biking distance from where I live. It's a bit out of place being a patch of nature next to a highway and five major shopping centers. But ducks and sea gulls still occasionally take refuge here and it's relaxing to just watch them swimming around happily with unknown purpose. On a more musical note, notice the intricacy of the chords? It's this balance between complexity and repetition that I experimented with. The more complicated the notes, the less a listener can comprehend. The more the music repeats, the more the listener pickes it up. However lack of balance quickly wrecks a song - ex: repetition leads to boredom and complexity leads to confusion. So, how about maintaining balance but increasing both to extremes? Well, here it is ;) so judge for yourself. Thanks goes to Randy Yoa for being the creative genius that introduced me to a style of music I was blind to. Enjoy! \/\/ \/ \/ ZaStaR /\ /\ /\/\ [February 1998] - zastar_juno.com (All comments welcome! :)
SYN Pluck Cute PNO Strong GTR Gentle SYN Soft Harmonic Echo DRM Percussion Bubble CYM Tap CYM Tap Out DRM Snare Fresh DRM Bass Boom DRM Dip Semi DRM Synth Sharp Drop SYN Soft Harmonic Pitch n SYN Soft Harmonic Pitch w SYN Pluck Cute PNO Strong GTR Gentle SYN Soft Harmonic DRM Percussion Bubble CYM Tap CYM Tap Out DRM Snare Fresh DRM Bass Boom DRM Dip Semi DRM Synth Sharp Drop
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
I love this song, makes me feel like i am on some tropical island, looking at the fish in the see. :)