Tech-Nation (technati.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Tech-Nation &^%$#&%^#%&#^#$^#$! By SUDS98 I like this one. http://members.xoom .com/suds ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 'tis to I who seem so lonly - SUDS Acid2.smp Brian Pedersen Tjörnevej 4 Fensmark DK-4700 Nästved E-mail: ---------------------- Fido: 2:234/71.65 ---------------------- Internet: brianp at : ---------------------- Bdrumalb.smp Hihatcle.smp Hihatsea.smp Claps9.smp Yeah - By SUDS http://members.xoom .com/suds/ Auhh - By SUDS http://members.xoom .com/suds/ Fatbass.smp
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There isn't much to this one and it gets repetitvive after a while. What is there is OK though and the effects and vocals sound pretty good but some of the effects get a bit annoying like the groaning noise(?). This sounds very 'electronic' with all the strange beeps and noises in this one, it could also be classed as ambient with the relaxed and laid back theme to it. A strange mix of styles but worth a listen.