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S T A R T E C H 1997-1999 (c) Copyright 1999 by Andre Kappes I don't think this song will ever be really finished for me as I have had serious problems finishing it for the last two years. But since I don't want it to lay around on my harddrive, I finally wrote a few patterns as a beginning and released it. Perhaps I will write another version someday, but that is highly impossible, for it took me almost 2 years to write the beginning part and I was never really satisfied with what I tracked. I think that is because I wanted to do something extraordinary. You know, man always wants to beat himself and be better than before. Since I wrote some neat patterns in this song, I also wanted to write a neat beginning in which I didn't succeed. So here it is! Call it a sort of beta-version if there are such things in music. Since it took so long to finish this module, you can of course find different stages of my tracking progress in it. The first few patterns were re-tracked, as I didn't like them after a while, but starting with order list no. 12 I did not change much of what I once tracked! ;-) I think this module is quit neat, some of the best stuff I ever did! I would appreciate it if you wrote me your opinion about it! So long, Andre Kappes, 09/04/1999 contact me : song length : 5min 19sec no. of channels : 18 Sample-quality : 8-bit Samples from : Future Crew, various others, myself Best results with Impulse Tracker v2.14 by Jeffery Lim Thanks & greetings go to : All the people whose samples I used, Tobias, Markus, TEN SING Neustadt, all my classmates, Jeffery Lim and the rest...
STAR TECH made in 1997-99 with Impulse Tracker version 2.14 Press Shift-F9...! (c) 1999 by Andre Kappes
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