Can't Stop Raving (Remix) (
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DJ Bourg Presents : ============================= Can't Stop Raving, the DJ Bourg Hard Speed Club Mix! ============================= Original by .. Adrima Remix by ..... DJ Bourg Made with .... MP Tracker 1.16 Genre ........ Hardcore Trance Finished ..... July 9th 2002 ============================= Greetz: ----------------------------- DJ Freak (Quebec), DJ Ards, Yuzzy, DJ-MS, DJ Azur, DJ DDR, DJ SbP, Smoker, DJ Html, DJ Scorpius, NalleKalhu, XeeGee, AceCream, AcidSoul, Xcalibur, Mastrix, Rave-N, -Madcow-Nigma on SC, SLing, Impulzer, TranceX, Marabo, DJ Stance, DjDeepVibe, Auke, Shifter, Believer, Analysis, Proximus, DJ Kneh, Impulzer, Jjmax, DJ The Bug, Minomus, Nightflow. ========================= Listen to this by using ModPlug Player or Tracker. ModPlug plays better my stuff... Don't try to load my songs in FT2 or IT2, that will make your system to crash (due to special effects and VST plugs)... ========================= Also I had the downsample some samples to make the song smaller... normally you shouldn't hear any low quality a-like sounding. If you got a good resampling filter (In MPP set it as 'High Quality') you shouldn't have any problems playing this song. ========================= If you have comments, just shoot them there: =- -= ========================= Visit my website: ----------------------------- -- -- ============================= (C) & (P) MMII DJ Bourg
kick 1 bass 1 kick 2 clop hi-hat bass 2 bass 3 wood hat closed hi-hat distorted synth vox string cymbal vibrating string pizzacato bass tone snare wham slap clap deep string high grand piano airplane low grand piano string string ride cymbal tambourine choir stirng Can't Stop Raving, the Hard Speed Club Mix, by DJ Bourg (2002/07/09) Original by: Adrima
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