The Village Symphony (villages.xm)
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(c)Felix ,1998 Zagreb,Croatia. TuRN on your sPeaKers! 25.12.1998- 27.12.1998 lenght 2:05 fiilesize about 110k! 5 instruments 17 patterns(goto page3 samples 01-05 from The Basic DemoSample- Pack (can get it from I really don't know where I got flute. (sorry for that...) so,my first release since June(MC6) (I'was learning coding And I really didn't have inspiration for tracking:-( did I miss to anyone? haha...:(( few words about MC6 I was ranked in block6 of intermediate divis. points from judges varied very much (from one I got 93!) ((100 is max.)) If you want to get a higher place you must make good impression on judges. Technique,and other is not so important...... ok,if you couldn't manage to download MC6 entries,you'll have to find them over ftp(files are there, but links aren't!) entry is (A Phaze) note that author's names aren't written in songs yet. Hej! ysss! It's now a year that I'm active in the scen And more than 2 years that I got FT2 and started tracking.. (I've had about 5-6 releases :-( so: Anniversary release!!! 1 year scene 2 years tracking Christmas release->and Happy new year! ('99) mail: ivan.morovic_ ,or srecko_morovic_ -greets to: Dream Recordingz Kincajou all net & real friends judge who gave me 93p (Elliot I think?) cU! ps: expect some demos, I'm working on my new 3d-engine... The Village Symphony made on FT2.08 !! moram pisati na glupom engleskom ali sto cu kad je za "svjetsku pozornicu".. (Seoska Simfonija) clean.xi (28K) coolbass.xi (10K) grand.xi (40K) snythvio.xi (1K) flute-flauta
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A western style piano song. Sorta like the ones they have playing in those old western movies in the saloons. Its a nice redition of it, and has some very nice instruments. Same as Above.