Temple of Technology (temple.xm)
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Cymbal Snare Bassdrum HIHAt Bass Distorted Guitar WahWah1 WahWah2 WahWah2 WahWah3 Monkchants Monkchants2 Synth GongGong Song by T Person..., Sweden. Mail me at: tobbe6_hotmail.com Looks like last time I upped this song to The .MOD-Archive, I accidentally upped an unfinished version. Pretty lame by me... Voghiopn.smp Distortion Guitar wahwah1 MUNKAR Jarre.TempleGong
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Though this song has song very good moments it tends to be only reasonably good overall. Despite making a nice first impression this tracker made the mistake of tracking a large portion of this song without a strong melody which hurt this songs musical rating. The short length of this song also did not allow for very much development within this song. Overall this songs musical rating was saved by a nice introduction and several professional quality 8-bit samples however those two factors do not constitute the basis of a very good song. This song is tracked with only average tracking skills and additionally lacks several technical basics. A lack of a melody throughout because of a longer than reasonable period of background beat repetition reduced an already brief songs progression. The ending of this song was also technically average. Overall these mistakes resulted in lowering this songs technical rating to average. Overall this song is average in quality.