Want You With Me Alw (wantyou.xm)
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Piano Miss you Your arms around me Your lips on mine The way you love me Your tenderness And your caring ways The way you feel Want you with me al... I want you with me... To hold you To care for you To love you Never to let you Go In my arms forever As already in my heart The way you feel I want you with me... I want you with me... And I want you with... Hey I want you with me... Always The way you feel, "Want You With Me Always". c1998 The Nightstalker Special thanx to Deb Williams for writing the words on this beautiful piece, I love you, baby. e-mail contacts: roncli_olm1.com Please, do not send mail to roncli1_aol. com anymore, as I do not check the mail there more than once a week. This is only a short piano tune, but the beautiful lyrics in this piece say a lot. I hope you enjoy it. Coming soon from The Nightstalker: "Pussy, Pussy Cat" - Hide your house cats and prepare for this musical kitty feast as The Nightstalker blows your mind with feline lyrical madness! Cloakboy also has a hand in frying up this one, so bring your appetite and laugh your asses off! Part of the 1998 Trax in Space kitty kompo! "Dead Feelings" - The Nightstalker has teamed up with TranZistor of Secret Sound System to produce a mystical piece only two great composers could put together. Roncli Productions - Soon, the page you're used to seeing at http://www.olm1.com/ ~roncli is going to change! The Nightstalker is proud to be a part of Roncli Productions, the music company dedicated to promoting tracking on the World Wide Web! "Get in the Scene", and watch for this page to go live soon! The Big N - The official group of Roncli Productions, The Nightstalker encourages you to become a part of The Big N! If you are a tracking musician, demo coder, or graphic artist, send mail to the above address and become part of The Big N! WHIA Radio - The tracking scene today is cluttered with confusion. How does anyone know what music is good and what isn't? Have you ever downloaded a track that said it was cool, but turns out to be a piece of junk? Well, that's about to change! With the help of the ModPlug PlugIn, Roncli Productions has designed an Internet Radio station so you can preview, download, and rate music! On the air 12/26/98, beta testing will begin in August! Piano 0 Piano 1 Piano 2 Piano 4 Piano 3 Miss you Your arms around me Your lips on mine The way you love me Your tenderness And your caring ways The way you feel Want you with me al.. I want you with me... To hold you To care for you To love you Never to let you Go In my arms forever As already in my hear The way you feel I want you with me... I want you with me... And I want you with.. Hey I want you with me... Always
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Well, this mod is basically a sung song by the artist/s along with a piano chord section. To be quite honest, the song would have sounded a lot better with a tad bit more accompininet, because the piano playing the repeative chord sequence get very very annoying... The word used in this song are great and touching, its just that it really really needs more instruments playing to push the song though. Such as a soft strings section and a bass line. Overall, this mod does have potential, but as it is; it's backing tune is annoying. If the artist could do some more work on this i'm sure we'd here a great song come out. More instumentation will certinly make the words jump right out at you so that your listning to them, rather than that repetitive backing. Well, the artist who sung the words certainly made a good recording of the vocals as there is hardly any noise on them. The use of tracking resources is poor. More accompinent would have made this much better. However, the artist did use echoing effects and some small accenting/dampening effects to emphasize the vocals in certain parts of the song. Overall: Great song with a wonderful word. It's a shame the backing lets it down so much. If it was sorted out, you'd have a beautiful music piece.