" Strangers " (stranger.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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" Strangers " by ' R i F F i ' ---------------------- E-Mail: riffi_pimail.com.pk ---------------------- This music is composed in mid-night, when all fast asleep. Need some soft music. And this i outcome. ---------------------- Send me your comments at the above address. ---------------------- P E A C E ******************** " R i F F i " ==================== Piano_16 BG_13 LeadDrum_13 Hihat1 Hihat6 BasGuit_3 Effect_39 Snare_03 Violin_3 Piano_10 Effect_22 Violin_2 Clap_4 Effect_12 Effect_19 Effect_33 D.Beat_13 Shaker_12 Zap_1 Shaker2.rti Effect5c.rti RiFFi22
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Some nice work here. A good chord progression, and very nice piano work. The rest of the accompaniment is nicely subdued, but sounds a little disjointed at some points - maybe this is because of the player =) The percussion doesn't fit a lot of the time, the heavy bass drum tends to overpower much of the rest of the music. However, quite good all up. Good use of panning, and the piano sample is very good. Some volume changes in the piano line would have been good, however, as it tends to sound a little too artificial after a while. Overall however, a well tracked piece of music.