vision factory (visionfa.mod)
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The Good StuffSummary
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st-08:pointbass st-08:pointsnare st-08:synperc st-08:hihat20 st-08:fsnare st-08:fbassdrum st-75:ensamblechord2 st-75:ensamblechord1 st-09:synthdrum1 st-10:cra.cymbal1.nlf st-09:plunkextend st-09:pearldrop Downloaded From... Music Channel BBS (203)646-3058
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Good enough intro, but the melodies of this song is either too weak or flat, or its used too little effects. It's just notes with notes without effects, and thats uninteresting. A bit monotonous, and someplaces, the bass and the melodie get cracked together and makes some out of tune parts. Some good breaks / fill-ins. The end is too short, and there's nothing new inside music. Good samplechoice, the technic is well. Samplerate at 8-bits, but who cares. Got to use more effects so it would become interesting and dont loose points because of that reason. Good organised and well tracked, it's pretty cool (especially the bass/bassline).