Terraforming of Mars (terraform.xm)
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Tracked by: Future Generation ---------------------- *TerraForming of Mars* First of all, thanks 2 the people who made these wavs. Couldn't have done this song without you. Kinda touchy huh? :) Yeah, uhm, I'll have 2 be quick, Seinfeld is on... uhmmm.... Viva HyperState 2000!! Fatboy Slim, Chembros Prodigy............... I worship Thee with all my brain, my ears and my heart!!!!!!!!!! Leve Lenge Paraplyen!! :D Done : 1/9 - 2000 OK.... det var det. Seinfeld byner på tv3 nå, så jeg må gå! SES!!! TiS Rokker som F!!! Oh, by the way, just thought you might know that terraforming of a planet means to slowly try to establish life on it, as in trying to make water float there and plants to grow and so on. It would take a couple of hundred years, though, so don't expect to be alive to see it! ;) Buckle Up people!!! This song is taking off!!! 48573% Trance!!!
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I'll start with saying this is a quite nice song from Future Generation. Melodically this is quite repetitive and unoriginal. Well, for me, this sounds exactly like every other dance song I've heard as I may not be so "educated" in this style of genres as other people. Now I can't see the reason why you couldn't use some strange funky chords in a dance song, as it would bring a bit of variation to this kind of songs, as all of these chord structures have been used too many times already. It just makes the listener bored. So, if you're looking something new, melodically I mean, this song doesn't fulfil your requirements. But if you're happy with dance as it is, with all these clichés, this song is definetly for you. The song is technically quite good, which raises the score quite a bit. Unlike melodically, this song gives you something new in the technical side, which is good. The volumes are well balanced and the samples fit to this genre well. They could be better tho, but they always can be better. One sample bothers me a bit more; the bassdrum sounds a bit silly and lacks bass greatly, which is not good. It gets hided very well as the song goes further, but in the intro you can hear it clearly. Ok, what do we have here, then? We have a dance song that offers nothing new in the melodical side, but in the technical side, the song is well done as it has many breaks, quite good samples and well balanced volumes. Recommened for all dance lovers, but for others, I don't think this is for you.