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War Of The SuperUsers (warofthe.s3m)

Info Summary

  • warofthe.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 112.63KB in size and has been downloaded 3244 times since Fri 27th Nov 1998 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 60574
  • Downloads: 3244
  • Favourited: 3 times
  • MD5: de77fa28e86720e03029975058f6c3f7
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 6
  • Uncompressed Size: 112.63KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Techno

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (7 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Dragonia Snowball on Fri 29th Oct 2010, rated 9 / 10.

Excellente! Piece is good, with a smooth melody that I like to listen to as I chroot into su to rpm my linux os into running more efficiently (I use Fedora BTW). I think if we had more of this and the remix of this, we'd be a society better as a whole. Keep up the excellente work, Liam!

member Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Thu 15th Jul 1999, rated 6 / 10.

I will start off by telling you what this song DOESN'T have, and that is boring repetition, this song DOES have a nice drum beat, fairly nicely done synth samples, and emphasis on a clean, well developed backdrop, with a sharp, staccato foreground. You will notice from the beginning of the song that a couple of the looped samples sound terrible, I think the loop was set to start and end in the wrong place so there an ugly incontinuous noise when the sample loops. Other than that the song is very nice technically, the sound is well-panned, Liam makes good use of tone portamento, he also makes a smooth transition from a faster to a slower tempo, and back again.

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Info Internal Texts *

   War Of The SuperUsers
    by Liam the lemming

This is my first new module
in ScreamTracker 3 format.
It started off as a normal
SoundTracker module, but I
reached a dead-end. Just as
well I found ScreamTracker
v3 or I'd never have got it

There's a story behind this
one as well, of course.
Well, what's a song without
a story to go with it? :)

I started doing this one
sometime around January
1994, but I was inspired
(again!) to finish it off
after spinning off a whole
tune (with a lyric! Wow!)
in a matter of days. I
spent about a week or two
fine-tuning it to make sure
it sounded *just* right.

Eventually, I got it more
or less perfect. And then I
accidentally wrote another
module over it. AAAARGH!
Fortunately, all was not
lost, as I had overwritten
it over another module some
days before. (One of the
bugs from ST v3.01 - I've
got version 3.21 now, and
that was one of the many
bugs that were killed off!)

Where was I? Oh yeah, the
makeshift backup. I'd taped
the "perfect" version of
the module before I
overwrote it, and I spent
several tortuous hours
carefully tweaking the old
version until I was sure it
sounded right.

This is the end result. And
I'm well proud of it!

The name was inspired by
two things. One was the way
it sounds - the gorgeous
"bink" sample sounds a tad
digital and the two-note
tone adds a nice kind of
electronic "hum" - and the
other was the fact that a
large number of my friends
from the JMU got banned
from the VAX mainframe by
the computer services
department (the much-hated
CSD *ptooie*) for things
which either they didn't do
or were mainly harmless.

It triggered off a war of
words which is still going
on today, and when I was
listening to this tune on
my Walkman one day as I
went to uni I conjured up
an image of a small solid
core of users hacking into
the network and waging war
on CSD.

So I named it War Of The
SuperUsers. Well, I like it
and I wrote it, so nyer! ;)

Hello's to those caught in
the crossfire...
Lee O'Brien, Bryan Jones,
Jon Barker, Chris Bruce,
Russ Threadgold, Steve
Reece, Dave Adamson, Ian
Slavin, Shereen Walters,
Shaun Barry, Rachel Duxbury
and all the silent victims.

Happy listening! And don't
forget, if it's a CSD rule,

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
