Everlasting Stillness (es.it)
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Everlasting Stillness Composed by: FlashBurn of the Wired Pirates Copyright(C) 1999, Wired Pirates Greets: Future Crew (you have the domain, now ressurect the group :-)), Jeffrey Lim (for the awe-inspiring Impulse Tracker), Darkwolf/WP (for being my best friend and for being there when things go bad), Johnny Maverick/WP (for understanding my plight -- you know what I'm talking about. :-) ), My Brother (for nagging me to finish this song), Anyone else I haven't mentioned here -- you know who you are! ^^;; Message from the Composer: Welcome to yet another song that I have composed for the Wired Pirates. This one took me a little more than two days to complete. The original theme (the electric piano and flute) were concieved during a fit of synth-rambling for my relatives. I recorded the orignal theme, ported it to IT, and enhanced the song. What you hear is a song from the heart, and a song like no other. I have only written 3 songs of this kind, not including this one. Most of which never are released to the outside world. This one, however, is going to be distributed. The song seems to stop rather abruptly at order 20 and 21 -- this is due to the fact that the song was originally intended to loop indefinitely. I decided to add some kind of ending late at night (11:08pm as of this writing), and so with a lack of creative flair, I threw a fade out abruptly into the song. If you want to hear how it originally sounded, just get rid of orders 20 and 21 entirely -- the song will loop correctly then. The drumline is noticably different than in any of my other compositions -- this is due to the fact that I decided a better drumset would be a good idea, plus the fact that the song seems rather boring without some kind of beat to it. I based the drumline on my earlier quiet lines from "Mysterious Corridors", when it consisted entirely of a hi-hat and a bass drum. After the addition of a snare with some toms, and a few timing tweaks, the resulting drumline is what you hear currently. In any case, this is the final revision of the song -- so don't ask for any changes -- I've worked too hard at it. ^^;; So I leave you with one final statement: Enjoy and cherish the music from the heart -- it is the truest of all human feeling and emotion. -- FlashBurn / Wired Pirates (3-10-99)
Electric Piano Flute.Echoed Drumkit Strings.High.Panned Bass.Fretless Composed by: FlashBurn / WP Copyright(C)1999, WP See the message for the greets and composer's letter. What are you doing down here for? ^^;; Electric Piano Flute.Echoed Bassdrum Snare Tom Closed Hihat Open Hihat Crash Cymbal Ride Cymbal Strings Bass.Fretless Composed by: FlashBurn / WP Copyright(C)1999, WP See the message for the greets and composer's letter. What are you doing down here for? ^^;;
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