Taste (sts-tas2.it)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Taste by ST:S Last update 1997-12-21 :-) E-mail: Sschwandter_bg-perau.edu.eu.org
Most samples made by myself. Feel free to use them in your own compositions!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This is a tune which has a few interesting spots, but there are also some very strange voicings and chord choices. Most of the way through, there's one really major theme, which makes use of some interesting chords; but it doesn't seem like all of the instruments observe the chord changes; at times, the brass hang on to non-chord tones and really seem to clash with the overall sense of the song. I can kind of get a feel for what the artist is trying to do through most of the song, but the clashing notes just plain sound like mistakes. On the flip side, there is some fairly nice drum work, and and at times there are really some interesting ideas coming through. Technically, this piece is pretty basic. There are some basic effects used throughout, and the piece seems pretty static; it would be much better with some good stereo work, and perhaps even a few sound effects here and there. Most of the samples sound like they're either GM samples or were sampled from a keyboard; it doesn't really detract from this kind of tune, but doesn't really "sell it" either. Overall, this tune seems interesting at points, but seems to suffer from some (un)intentional mistakes in the chord voicings.