Voo Doo Midnight (voodoomn.xm)
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Voodoo Bass Drum Voodoo Snare Drum chord1 chord2 Hit Snare Crash Cymbal Timpani Toy Piano Panflute Pizza PXLeed Electric Guitar Slyandro Snare Thankyou, Thankyou My first song that STOPS! Not a repeating song Want to rip it? Want to use it in a game? Want to change it? Want to distribute it? Want to damage it? WELL TOO BAD!!!!!!!!!! Although you may distribute, or use it in a game, you may not and never rip, damage, or change it in any way. For this song was made by the (usually) pleasant -+<RibinaBJ>+- Hope you enjoy the 3:11 Timed song. OOPS! Knew I forgot something! Date finished: 14/12/96 I did it again! This time I forgot to give you my address! Here is the e-mail: ribina_hotmail.com Greetz to: Whoever those instruments belong to -SpArKy- Tomanator Cactus Voltage Hey, u might have seen an instrument called Slyandro Snare Well, I put it in last column, volume and all but it didn't fit, so the instrument is now a waste of space... At the start, I was a silly!!! Sorry about that... Yeah, the middle part isn't all that good, is it!??... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... By the way... I got these instrument from all over the place, so if an instrument is yours, THANKS!!! Sorry if this offends. ST-01:voodoobd ST-01:voodoosnare2 chord1 chord2 Orchestra Wow Snare Drum Crash Cymbal Synth Timpani Toy Piano Real Panflute Pizza PXLeed Electric Guitar BANGBANG.SAM
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This song is OK. It has a nice tune and a nice beat. The beat and the lead is somewhat too loud I reckon. Maybe if they were lower, the song would of been much better