Liv Randi (vr_anwk.xm)
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Liv Randi : A Night without your Kiss _April 2000. By Vegard Rafteseth. SOUND BLAIST (USE ONLY FT2!!) Dedicated to Liv Randi, I love you. This orchestral mod was made in just 10 hours (!!). A night without the kiss from my girlfriend. Actually I shouldn't title this song Liv Randi since I always get happy thoughts, when thinkin' about her, because this is a sad symphonee, splitted in 2 different parts. Could have made two different modules as well, but its much the same all together. Samples ripped mostly from Awesome, cause his samples are just great for this kind of music. I owe you Victor. Greets to all of my friends, who makes this life worth to live. You guys know who you are.. + a gigantic kiss to Liv Randi =) The last mods have basicly been dedicated to Liv Randi "I belong to You" Rest of my mods : http://artists.traxin -[]-
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