The Life as a Rythm. (vr_beast.xm)
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You are listening to a song which is made by /---------------\ I Sound Blaist I I of Aragon I \---------------/ _ '99 Vegard Rafteseth It could have been longer, but I got a bad habit : For longer songs, I "feel the need" to have more, more, more, and mooore samples, which makes the files big as hell .. =) 48 samples in 2:45 is kinda much =) PS: listen to this in either FT2 or Mod4win. For checking out the greets, you can take a closer look to each sample. Appologie to you I forgot mention. Consider yourself as "in-the-list".. =) For those cool dudes who want me to fix FX and music for your game/demo, s-mail or e-mail me: Vegard Rafteseth Harevn. 3 2640 Vinstra Norway PS: The module "Hyper Life" is available for those who wants it. Anyway, e-mail or s-mail me FIRST. Don't take, and ask afterwards. - =) -- =) -- =) -- =) Norge: Viss du passerer Vinstra noen gang, så ta gjerne en tur til Peer Gynt Senteret.. Der er jeg ofte .. i helgene. Hvis du vil snakke personlig med meg, så gir jeg deg et "signalement" her: 14 år, lyst hår, for tiden kortklipt, ca. 180 cm hög, 65 kg. "Stemme": 61291854 Well, I really don't know what I shall say further, so I better stop, then boring you any more =) Ciao!!! rem. e-mail me Awesome - you make famous modules, and you just will get bigga, 'n' biggah!! "1&2 years with Aurora "A New Generation" "Aurora" "Ancient Stories 1&2" "Dreams Of Despare" "Hard To Believe" "Dreams Of Hope 1&2" "Inside A Dream" "Space Overture 1" "Let's Go To Hell" "Aquarium"moremoremore Mick Rippon - I love your "fear 2". You amase me, Mick, believe me =) "Fear 2" "Claytons" "Astrid" "Exisisting" "Brother" "Wake The Baby" moremore... Hunz - Very good in both tracking and singing. I love "Clone It", "Whiplash" and .. hm.. 000oo2r21tr something like that =) Myself - I dig your tracking- style, modules like "Way To Big" and "CaveTec", "Earthquake", "Water and Wind", "Suicide-Music", "Suicide-Music P.2", "Sensible Psycho", "Cool Contrast", "October Symphonee", " Farmers Life", "The Rattatangs", "Tex With An X", "Injured Gadget"+more Aragon - Runned by Ice Raven. - is a compopage. Many thanks and stuff to him. Comment: Are you getting far in the guitarlife? hehe... Djzip/geek: I got one song from djzip, and one from BOTH djzip and geek. And they are coool. "k_porno.xm" - djzip "groove.mod" -djzip/geek .. last mentioned were their entry for a compo.. (?) Delorean: Your music is very different from others music. I like it! =) "Dad's Hammond" "Women_cheat" "Mad_hatter" Warhawk: I got only one module from ya. Something "night 2" or something.. =) I like it, man! Still be friends. Mellow-D: You are a great tracker Mellow-D, and ..yeah..: "Nine-Zine" "Secret World" "Come Guilt" (!!!) Dizzy: You are a complicated tracker, dizzy. And it rocks, but sometimes .. it can be too complicated. "Alternative Samba" "Earthglimmer" "Bananasplit" Dr.Awesome: since he is norwegian, and I am too, I'll speak norwegian =) :: Du lager uslåelig bra musikk Björn, og så jävli mange du lager oxo =) Jeg kan ikke huske så mange, menmen: "I want it" "Basketball" "House.mod" .. hmm .. don't rem more, sorry =) Mystical: You are the most "open" artist I guess. Not closed, like others. "Stomping On Elepanths "Vi har skumle planer" "Salsa" moremoremore.. Scirocco: I know only about 2 modules. You are nice!! "Gameplan" "Hyperdrive" All you guys I've met at mIRC. Dudes!!! gargoyle. harry-x. fastedit. stary. st3vor(!!). la_lisa. zilverstone. goble. xerxes. djprizhma. drq. dr fransk meieri. roncli. littleelk. hans. ghidorah. a big 1 to damien. overgrown_cat/cow. and more .. chanels: #modarchive #norge #norge+ #latskap #traxinspace #trax #the_aragon #warezland #cd-brenner (DALnet!!) You: Thank you for listening =)
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