Right N0w I Want.... (suicide.xm)
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J/M/T/M $ay$: "Right N0w I Want T0 C0mmit $uicide" FILE INF0 (n0 grade) D0D: 2002.08.27 $tyle: $uicidal (haha) Length: 4:28 Ye$,it'$ true, when I wr0te thi$ $0ng I had the wi$h 0f ending my life, $ick ain't it? *$ini$ter Grin* M0$t ppl w0uldn't have the ball$ t0 actually relea$e a track with thi$ level 0f per$0nal intimacy, heh,lucky f0r y0u , I'm n0t like m0$t ppl =P' ' ' ' ' Life ha$ been a bitch lately and thing$ went t00 far in $everal directi0n$, all at 0nce, and n0w I'm here in fr0nt 0f my PC, tracking my a$$ 0ff in an attempt t0 get my dem0n$ 0utta my head and int0 thi$ $0ng =) And judging 0f the $0und I'd $ay that thi$ i$ a g00d attempt at catching my current $tate 0f mind. $0me 0f y0u might w0nder if I'm g0ing t0 kill my$elf 0r n0t, well the an$wer i$: HELL N0! Thi$ m0ment will pa$$ ju$t a$ the 0ther 0ne$ did.. I h0pe ... my email i$ : the_mech_hotmail.com dr0p me $0me feedback. $ampled by JMTM Beep2.wav Ba$edrum 0riginal clap 707 [tick] Acid $weep 110 0pen hihat Clap pha$ed 1 Clap pha$ed 2 Clap pha$ed 3 Clap pha$ed 4 Clap pha$ed 5 Clap pha$ed 6 Clap pha$ed 7 Clap pha$ed 8 110oh.wav B-soge~1.wav Statasa.wav Stat3s7.wav Stat3s7.wav Stat3sa.wav Stat3sa.wav Stat3s3.wav Stat3sa.wav St0t3s7.wav
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