Waiting for better t (wbt.xm)
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WaItInG FoR BeTtEr TiMeS #by DipA/d0d I'm sorry for this lame song, but I've done this mod in about 2 hours.. E-Mail:dipa_simcity.it homepage: www.simcity.it/dipa 30/07/98
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This Mod starts out quite good with a promising progression of chords and drum beat. It sounds rather like the type of tune you would get while waiting for a Golf game to load. Its a nice mellow background piece with pleasant instruments. As the tune gets into the middle part of it's playing time, it does start to get a little repetative with the same chord sequence. Gladly your attenton is pulled away from this by an interesting melody sequence. Overall: A reasonably good tune with potential of a little more improvement bass/chord wise. Great use of drums here, nice catchy beat. This module has quite a simple structre thoughout with not many of the tracker's resources being used. Its a 14 track XM module, but i don't think all 14 tracks are used to their full potential, as there could be a lot more accompinent and melodic variences incorporated here. Overall: A resonably well engineered mod, simple and clean. Thats a lot better than writeing a tune that is complex and baldy done. Quality, not quantity!