The evil one (theevil1.xm)
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by Laser / Neuro Jul - 96 Finished at last! What a great summer! Outside the window I can see the skies crying. So do I. What the heck has happened to the swedish summer? Anyway, I will travel 2 Denmark next week. I wonder if the weathe r is the same there... Greetz go to: Mhz, Chill, Daimien, Qwes, Norpi, Fahlström ,Tobbe,Black Jack & others. Note 2 Conny: Don't u even think about listening to it in DMP! Use FT2 or it will sound strange! It ain't a loop, mate! Tunelength: > 3:07 < by Laser / Neuro Jul - 96 Finished at last! What a great summer! Outside the window I can see the skies crying. So do I. What the heck has happened to the swedish summer? Anyway, I will travel 2 Denmark next week.
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Although this seems to be one chord progression played over and over again, for some reason my brain isn't screaming 'this is repetative' I think what keeps this kinda fresh is some of the more atmospheric sounds and the occasional transpose. In all the important aspects, timing, key etc.. It is a good mod, however a couple of poor quality samples can grab your attention every now and again. Still, an okay mod with no major complaints. (Encore has been informed not to review mods he really hates so expect to see less of me from now on.)