SunShine (sunshine-fby.xm)
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#by F.B.Y. -Musician- . S p y r a l . for Mekka / Symposium (easter 1997) 28-31 March 1997 Shining time - 3:30 multichannel compos I hope this classic/ simphonic theme will make you dream and take a long deep trip Close your eyes. . . and try to see through the dark into themself will you fly? will you see the sun shine. shining, into yours eyelids down yet I don't know this . . I don't know if you will be able 2 fly far . . . so distant . . . across the world without shadows . . darkless, sadness . . if you feel it, you'll be happy for ever . . you'll be yourself . . yourself for ever . . OPEN your eyes now: did you fly? GREETINGSSSSS !! - - - -(group)- - - Rasky, and all Spyral members, all DarkAge SoftOne, Saturne, BSD PHD, Osmose, JWorkers - - - - - - - - - - People Greetz! - - - - - - - - Bernie of XModule! Checco e Deme Eugenio, Guillaume, HansPetter (alive??) Terje, dr.Brain, Alpha Kieron, Kallestrup, Melanc, Gryzor (YO!), Raymond, Dietmar, Rkaa MagicB, PirlAga, Dixan Scavy, Jhage, PCMan, Nabo, Corrosion, TMB, Virgill (Hi friend!), Jazz, Melomniac, Gas Eniac, Psychad!, Pedro Vodka, Nork, deciBell, Amusic, Samantha, Chloe', Randy, Rio, RESPECT GO TO : J. Liljedhall, Weasel, Audiomonster, T.Follin dr.Awesome, R.Hubbard contact Fby: (why?) - Open FbyMod area in your BBS/site - Commercial Project$ - Other mods? - Any Other reason! - Piccione! F-Fabio B-Barzagli y? Via Manni 56 - 50135 FIRENZE - ITALY fido -> 2:332/125.9 BBS - System Shock +39-55-499038 472514 OTHER MODULES ON - - - - - - - - - - - fby/musicmod/. . . /fby/ any other bbs/site int the FbyRead.txt . . mai mai scorderai l'attimo . . .. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% and remember . . . . . . remember . . . . . . eh eh eh . . . Ciao . . . and . . . . peace everywhere . hihat.soft cororeale2-hi bbs Snare70008.Rev GrandStrings-hideo Uc1 cassa.grande cassa.grande ruscello-cheap 17-Strd+Eco rullotamburi PanFlute1-Rif PanFlute2-Single 05-DolceVibrato vibes-double 12-Ottimo.Drum 12-Good gui1.low 03-Lakkez1.Ottimo Attackgu gui1-low gui2-med gui3-hi gui4-hi2 gui5-sl gui6-dou gui7-sh
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