sunshower.xm (sunshower.xm)
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Sunshower By Tremolo and Zola This song was created in Fast Tracker and ModPlug Tracker. Feel free to listen in ModPlug, although we recommend that you do NOT use Bass Expansion, especially if you are listening with good speakers or a stereo. Unless, of course, you LIKE having your teeth rattled! ;-) We would like to thank Olivier for his continuing efforts with MPT, which made this collaboration possible. Thanks to Damien for the title! ;-) Tremolo Trembling all over, when you touch my hand. Fragility. The feeling of love, is pure, as you are to me, Lenny Zola For Steve, always Greetz to: Marty, Mysterium, Kim (Congrats again on the wedding!), Novus, Steve Gilmore, Roncli, Damien, Anders and Lisa, Jeff, and Olivier, who cringes every time he sees a mail with my name on it ;-) The Grrrls in Tracking All at Trax In Space The good people of United Trackers If I didn't catch you this time, I'll catch you next time! Visit me at
Ambience (Tremolo) Xylophone (TeRRa X) Singing Wind (Tremolo) Disco drum (Zola) Hand Claps (Zola) Snare (Zola) Led-Sin1 (Tremolo) Led-Sin1 (Tremolo) Kick [(M)Rated] Sub Bass (Gilmore) Hi-Hat (Zola) Bass (Steve Gilmore) Sub Bass (Gilmore) discoh.wav clap.wav Sub1.wav Sub1.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
weeee, a co-op track, and one of the very few composed by a female ;) this song is nicely melodic and not much to complain about, it's quite long, perhaps a little repetative, otherwise: thumb-up :)