What's Up Player? (supplaya.xm)
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'What's Up Player?' _2000 DJ Blinky Length 6:17 This was originally going to be a rap, but I couldn't be arsed with lyrics... hence more Fatboy Slimm type dance flava... The inspiration was my drunk Irish mate Emmet pretending to be a jiggy rapper after a night on the sauce in Frankfurt - a pretty sight and no mistake Samples: 02-Led Zepplin 04&0E-Isaac Hayes 'Theme from Shaft' 08-Canibus Skit 09 to 0D-Wyclef Skit 0F-Notorious BIG 'Warning' jameskmercer_ntlworld .com Learn to speak like Snoop Dogg! Fo shizzle ma nizzle -for sure, old chap A Hizo -a lady offering negotiable pleasure Da shiznit -really rather good Fizzle Tellyvizzle -Snoop's mirthsome and educational tele- vision show Skrizzle fasheezy heezy on da rizzle o while i dizzle miggedy miggle with a prizzo -(series discontinued due to mammoth in- comprehensbility) Bassg.smp Ledzep.smp Beat.smp Shaft.smp Bassd.smp Snare.smp Scratch.smp Holdmic.smp Downlo1.smp Downlo2.smp Downlo3.smp Downlo4.smp Downlo5.smp Wawa.smp Harmonic.smp Cymbal.smp Emmet.smp T.smp S1.smp
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