The Quest by MaD SUB (thequest.xm)
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------\\\|||///------ THe QueST By MaD SUB BPM 128 aT SPD 3 SoNGTiMe 7:08 DaTe 31-1-1998 ------///|||\\\------ Greetings to all United Trackers If you have any comment or suggestions about my music, just let me know: >>> Special greetings to: - The RoaDHaWK -DR. WiZaRD drwizard.www.cistron. nl >>> -DR. DRaGoN dr_dragon_alive_hotm oTHeR MaD SUB XM'S: - TRiP To iNFiNiTy - MeMoRieS - e-MoTioN - CHeMiCaL TRiP You can download my tracks at : Or visit the Modarchive : MDSB Biz-string softdrum digdug bass long mid hi amb flute short hi mellow 5 claps long hi mid hi spacy grinder snare rev snare pweep grinder rev long hi low grinder - obtained from - - Dr. Wizard - hi tom very hi violin
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Has an intro very reminisant of CHeMiCal TRiP by the same author but proves to be a uniqe entity after the first few patterns have introduced this as a slightly darker tune. Makes good use of atmospheric sounds throughout without overusing the same bass atmos again and again which often makes for a reptative sound. This one is going in my personal stash! Cool! To get a drum pattern like that sounding good is one thing, pulling it off in stereo is even better! Some samples here I recognise from other MaD SuB tunes, but thats fine because they are samples I like (in fact I've been known to 'borrow' a couple). I especially like the way that the volume is chopped to match the drum beat in some parts, really making the instruments sound as if they are working together and not just alongside each other.