There's No Fear (thereisnofear.xm)
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^ There's No Fear ^ Composed by ViPeR. ^ (c) 1998, NoFuture. ^ Time: 4.27 mins ^ nmp(at)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
A nice, relaxing IT mod. I call it "Quasi-Ambient" because it has some characteristics of an ambient song, but it feels a little more upbeat. The song stays true to its name of "There's No Fear." You actually feel a little exhorted after listening to it. I do have to lament that it takes a minute and a half to start into the main melody and it doesn't pick up until the two minute mark. Well, the song is only 4:27, so it doesn't really get started until halfway through. But when it does, it is very pleasant. The percussion is good and there are lots of good synthesized instruments to fill out the music. The technical aspect of this song is very good. The samples all sound crisp and clear and I was delighted to find they are only 8-bit. The composition is well done, the only exception being the slow build-up at the beginning. It is quite apparent that the author has done a mod or two before because the experience and ear of a good artist are definately to be found in this song.