7th_dizc.xm (7th_dizc.xm)
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7th fantasy " tourquet addicts " canman66_hotmail.com _ losti _ losti _ spider _ losti
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this is a tune that goes with one word: repeating!!!! The tune starts with a quite nice melodie, and that melodie continues to about the half tune, then another melody appears for like a minute, then the first melodie comes up, and then both melodies. The two melodies is quite good, but u can´t make a good songs with only 2 melodies and allmost no sound in the background. I have heard better tunes by this artist/s mostly 8 bits samples, allmost no panningeffects used. this tune is 05:19 and with only thoose melodies, the song gets boring the first time u hear this song. The artists has good ideas but I don´t think he tried enough. well, this makes it sound like this song is terrible, but it´s not, I liked some parts of it. Quite good work!