7th_fmu2.xm (7th_fmu2.xm)
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7th fantasy "fire me up" canman66_hotmail.com mjb _7th fantasy mjb _7th fantay _7th fantasy
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Well here's something different... a funk tune. Based on a funky drum riff, some bass tones, and a few funky guitar samples, gives this song a quite different groove. It's too bad it lacks some finer things, and some parts of it where it's just drums and bass feels almost like they lack something too fill up the emptyness. Something of a more lead style than the guitar added might have made the tune a hit. The sample quality is rather good, but the song falls a bit on it's pure lack of samples, making the comp guitar, bass, and drum tracks a bit boring. More variations, more samples, more everything... except more length. Thats what's needed. Still if you like a funky, a bit different song, get this one.