The Creator (
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The Creator - 12:53 Written by David Newton (WCB) Song #56, completed 03/09/03 --- In the beginning there was nothing An empty void, there was no life I came to create, to realise a dream And then there was light I've made a world of perfection For mankind to live in peace Never knowing they'd betray me For me there's no release Where, where is our Creator Has he left to find another world Is this planet such a failure That he's left us to die in the cold For their evils, I cast the humans out But a better race I could not make Now I've returned to show you all I'm here for you to take I, I am your Creator I've returned, and now I'll rule the world My creation, such a failure But I've come back to it from the cold You only exist because I dream Without me you are naught Accept me as your leader now I'm your Creator, and therefore your God I came back from my world, the place in the vast Offered forgiveness for the past You killed me again, the ignorance of men Too much, it's over at last Why did you turn against me I want to love, instead you've hated You've all become weak, to the dark you have gone I've been destroyed by the world I created I, I am your Creator I've returned, and now I'll change the world My creation, such a failure But I'll repair the wrongs of the old Is it inevitable that power corrupts I want to do what's best for you You should all be destroyed, it's better that way But there's another way to control you Each one of you marked with a number You're all machines to me Always watched by my unblinking eyes I'll take you out of the world as I please I wanted to create the perfect world Where the stars and sun shone ever bright But what I failed to realise was That without darkness there can be no light I, I am your Creator I've returned, and now I'll rule the world My creation, such a failure But I've repaired the wrongs of the old I, I am your Creator And it's up to me to decide How to control my creations You aren't fit to live your own lives
In_Aah bass guitar Drum Kit Guitar Lead Guitar Bend MaidenStr In_Clear In_Future Flash3 In_Distort2 In_Distort2Mute Bassgtr2.wav n_String Dr_ZBass.wav Dr_Splash4 Dr_Splash Dr_HatOut Dr_HatIn.wav Dr_WBass.wav Dr_ZSnare Dr_Tom.wav LIDE2.WAV In_Future Clear.wav In_Distort2
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