carbon lifecycles -sy (
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CARBON LIFECYCLES Written and performed by slammy for the .Evolution. music disk. Proudly presented by - .(O.u.t.p.o.s.t.M.u.s.i.c. _______________________________ Song Info : Evolution Music Disk Title : carbon lifecycles Format : Impulse Tracker 2.14 (completed with 2.15) Written : 30/11/01 Mixed : 20/05/02 Length : 5:38 Quality : 16-bit _________________________________________________________________________ Its kinda bizzare where this song originates from. Orginally an entry for a one off compo, held on espernet, #troutpost (a mock channel set up by myself). The original title and working title of the track was called - "drq got 'lucky' 1 nite" The song remarkably, came first in the compo. The use of the strings pretty much came close to enchanting drq. I was impressed with the original lead melody for the song, but I didn't that I'd win, even more so with the fact that /slash and drq were entrants. So, originally a silly title, the song itself, was not silly sounding, so I set about remixing it. Here it is, in full 16-bit glory. I started this from scratch, rather than using the original .It file as a platform. Just looking at the patterns in this track and that OHC entry, will also stand to that. The song really sounds how I intended it to be. I'm big on synthy/stringy stuff, and again, this song will stand as testiment to that. I've always wanted to write a song like this, and be proud of it, well, here it is. So, lets get on with what the song is about :- The song is a representation of the evolution of the first carbon specimens of Earth, mutating into more advanced specimens. A cycle, which is still in motion today and will be tomorrow and beyond. _________________________________________________________________________ Want some greets huh? Oki : Personal greets : Rager Outpost greets : drq, melin, roncli, seko. Scene greets : slash, madbrain, darkium, zepsi, lilelk, johnny guitar,alk reduz, aymes, ice raven, pommac, lapine, viz, patgroove, infey, psysal, zaril, xerxes, vesa (formerly warder), r2, zionic, ufopoli, uctumi, newx, crenton, ronto, zola, solo, spyefex, sonic range, larph, soul redemption, moonraver, planeshifter, lasombra, thrasher, the tourist, arcubalis, wizarthur, shiftless and anyone who I have forgotten this time, but regularly chat with on the mIRC at #fromage. Special greets : mv (formerly melvyl). anders & lisa arrenius. _________________________________________________________________________ Contact info : you can contact Outpost via myself, seko or drq. (slammy) myself and drq can regularly be caught up with on mIRC: at #Outpost and #fromage Hopefully we'll have an outpost mail box set up soon too. _________________________________________________________________________ I hope you enjoyed this track. I hope you enjoyed the entire music disk. Outpost are : drq - melin - roncli - seko - slammy - zepsi Evolution music disk host : slammy 'til the next song! Just a few changes to this one before the release of the disk. Those who got a preview of this song will notice ;O). (C)2002 Slammy & Outpost Music (P)2002 Outpost Music
EASTERIS.WAV ENCORE.WAV HC006.WAV STRINSEC.WAV STRINGC2.WAV Human knowledge is Crash A07-1.WAV A07-3.WAV A78-1.WAV BUNGGC1.WAV Hancock tune: Doin'it POSEIDEN.WAV RECKONIN.WAV --===* S L A M M Y *===-- STRINGC3.WAV Clarinet STRINGC2.WAV ---===* L * S * D *===--- EASTERIS.WAV HOUSE13.WAV A78-1.WAV HC006.WAV SUPERPAD.WAV STRINGC4.WAV re 23c2.wav A07-1.WAV A07-2.WAV A47-1.WAV A78-1.WAV C00-1.WAV Snare Drum 049.WAV Clarinet E4 POSEIDEN.WAV RESONA~2.WAV RAP3.WAV STRINGC3.WAV Clarinet D#5 Clarinet A#5 STRINGC4.WAV RAP10.WAV Clarinet C#6
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