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Reflections (11:47) Written by David Newton - WCB Completed on Sept 10, 2003 Song #57 --- I looked in the mirror and tried to see I saw your image staring back at me (It's an impossible dream) I can see you there, on the other side Are you just an illusion, in my mind (I know I can't touch you) Can't you see that I'm not one of them To let me through, you hold the key Can't you see that I'm your reflection The face in the mirror is me Look in the mirror and what do you see Can you see the image of me (I know you're there) But you don't know I exist, you'll just turn away Don't know I'm watching you, no matter what I say Can't you see that I'm not one of them I'm above them all Can't you see that I'm your reflection And can't you hear my call I know that you're there, somewhere Behind the mirror you hide But will I ever make it through Break the mirror, reach the other side Drifting further into madness now I sit and watch when I'm alone Through there, on the other side I see The love and warmth I've never known In the dream I've seen myself, I'm there with you forever Do you really exist in the universe beyond the mirror Real or imaginary, the split tears me apart Are you there, in another world, or just here in my heart Can't you see that I'm not one of them To let me through, you hold the key Can't you see that I'm your reflection The face in the mirror is me You can't see that I'm not one of them But I'm above them all You can't see that I'm your reflection And you can't hear my call Maybe what they tell me is true It's only dreaming, nothing worse I know I'll never find you, but you're there Somewhere in this universe Can't you see that I'm not one of them To let me through, you hold the key Can't you see that I'm your reflection The face in the mirror is me Can't you see that I'm not one of them To let me through, you hold the key Can't you see that I'm your reflection The face in the mirror is me
Clean n è ‡ * ø Ê strings Drum Kit Bass € ˆ ˆ Üߺ Guitar Lead Flash3 In_Distort2 In_Distort2Mute Clean n è ‡ * Clean n è ‡ * Clean n è ‡ * Clean n è ‡ * Clean n è ‡ * Clean n è ‡ * Clean n è ‡ * Clean n è ‡ * STRINGS1.SMP Dr_ZBass.wav Dr_Splash4 Dr_Splash Dr_HatOut Dr_HatIn.wav Dr_WBass.wav Dr_ZSnare Dr_Tom.wav Bass LIDE2.WAV In_Distort2 Bass Bass Bass Distorted G Distorted G Distorted G Distorted G Distorted G Distorted G Distorted G Distorted G Bass Bass Bass Bass Bass Bass Bass istorted G istorted G istorted G istorted G istorted G istorted G istorted G
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