8 Miles under Water (8milesun.s3m)
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Mads StrChordMaj1 a1,7,9 Mads StrChordMin1 a1,7,9 Mads Panflute a1,5 Mads Wood xylophone a1,7 Mads Heavy String 2 a8,6,5 Mads Kettle Drum 1 a2,8 Mads Heavy Drum 1 a2,9 Looped WindHowl.2 SonixLead PM - Modulation String The depth of sea - You are surrounded by walls of darkness. Thousand tons of frigid water are lying above you. You feel the overcoming exhaustion - and then you hear the call of the Nymph Queen. I fear that song didn't come out as good as i hoped.. It was done with ST3, and i better should use my Easytracker. Quick greetz: Martist, Ink, Alpha(AXL)+Pitbull(LD) (Hey, get friends again!) Skaven, Marvin (thnx 4 smp) Diz was my 2nd element sng.
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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