dcn_the-whistler (thewhistler.mod)
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acoustically provided by smoking dascon of /\-> !essence! <-/\ sssssssschwiiiing !!! insanity rules his miiiiind !!! ahaaaa!! essentially put together in a hurry for our meeting-intro done by touchstone,so n-joy it !!!!!!!!!!!! btw: thanks for some of da used samples to nao/spaceballs... to contact meeee just write to >>>>>>>>>>>> bernd hoffmann biedenkopfer str.34 57072 siegen germany ...or call me... >>>> !!+49-(0)271-65187!!! wet handshakes to >>> jugger,lynxx,foxx, dust,lizard,deelite, aquafresh,wotw plus all the other great guys i never manage to write back to... .oo) !! sorry !! (oo. dcn,25th of sept. '94
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