a l i c e (alice.it)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Circle DIVISION presents a slight musical deviation entitled A L I C E or "Three Good Reasons to Leave Town" written and Engineered by CSEVEN hey there, heres another one of those tunes that just spilled out pretty quickly. i pretty much knew what i wanted from the getgo. Actually, i couldnt sleep that night, and thoughts of all kinds were swooping down, pecking at me. and this weird piece just sort of appeared. the melody at least anyhow, hope you enjoy it.. ok.. Thanxs to SKETCHI for the obvious prodigy rip. And WOLF for the guitar. the voice is my own and with a cheesy mic, so is the spit loop. you can use them, but hey, give credit where credit's due.. and send me a copy of what you used them for. thanx. hey, id really like some feedback on this one.. its quite out of the ordiary i suppose. =0) Cseven at ICQ 29224335 or Cseven_worldnet.att.net and of course.. love to zoonie who never ceases to inspire me.. (c) 1999 Cseven . CircleDIVISION oh yeah, the alternate ALTERNATE title is.. "Bearded Religous Dieties Prefer to Drink Alone"
spitloop ntitled ntitled Sample-CD "mazzive injecti black2
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