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We are heirs ------------ By: [ThePsalmist] back in 2000 Contact details for comments at romans589_hotmail.com
WE ARE HEIRS ____________ By: THE ROMANS589 This tune was heard at a church. I thought it was g and remixed it with some additional tunes to make a dance techno mood out of it for the compo. It sounds kinda silly but I reckon the final piece of music is great. All samples in here were ripped off other mods from many other artists who inspired me with their music. Sorry, but I don't remember which song I ripped them from. I tried my best to keep the repetition less noticable so that when you hear the song a few times,you won't get sick of the song so soon. But dance music "is" suppose to be like that! Anyway, enjoy the music and have a nice day. ^ ^ __
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