The Swarm of Death (swarm.xm)
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The Swarm of Death Composed by Gollum Style: Orchestral Completed 4-3-97 (C)opyright 97 by Gollum for QCM
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This is an orchestral song, which was very hard to judge. It is very up and down, the intro is somewhat like the "standard" orchestral intro. The part that follows is the really good one. With a very nice and melodic flute. After that it speeds up quite a lot and start to sounds quite messy, with to many instruments at the same time. Then there is another change of tempo back to the slower mode again, then a break again. And some more speed and yet again a little to many instruments. But if you are in to orchestral music i think the second part of this song is good enough for a download ! Lots of volume effects executed rather nicely, also there is some nice fadeouts but they tend to get to many, it was good the first two times, but it seems like there is a fadeout every 30 seconds that gets a little bit annoying after a while. The samples are very good, and for the slower parts they are mixed perfectly. But in the speedy parts the just got to many at the sane time.