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Arctic Bay (xg_arcticbay.it)

Info Summary

  • xg_arcticbay.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.64MB in size and has been downloaded 2174 times since Thu 8th Aug 2002 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 62445
  • Downloads: 2174
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 3fb6dbe9f9c80113cad93826739848a0
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 57
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.64MB
  • Genre: Trance (general)

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (6 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by christofori on Thu 16th Jan 2003, rated 6 / 10.

This is a nice tune that could have been better with more attention to panning and effects. As it stands, it's well made, musically. It flows from one section to the next pretty well, though at the more transitional times the drums could use more variance in volume. Everything just seems pretty static with this tune, though; it doesn't sound like the artist used any stereo seperation at all. The balance of the tune is pretty good, though it could use a stronger bass voicing. There are other times when the instruments (not just the drums) could make use of some creative differences in volume, especially at the transitional places of the tune. The tune does have a catchy beat and feel to it, though it does tend to be kind of flat. However, there are some really unique sounding samples used at times, which is really cool. The technical side of this track seems pretty basic. The tracking could use more effects, especially (as mentioned above) good use of panning (stereo seperation). The artist uses some volume effects well, but the tune could really be better with more extensive tracking effects. There are some great samples (with pretty good loop points, too!) used in this tune, and some really effective volume and panning envelopes... but still, the artist could capitalize a lot more by using stereo seperation in this tune. Overall, it is a good tune with room for improvement in the effects and tracking.

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Info Internal Texts *

   __      __                        ________
  \  \    /  /                      /  ____  \
   \  \  /  /                      /  /    \  \
    \  \/  /     _____    _____   /  /      \__\   _____    _____
     \    /     / ___ \  / ___ \ /  /  ________   / ___ \  / ___ \
     /    \    / /__/ / / /__/ / \  \  \____   \ / /__/ / / /__/ /
    /  /\  \  /  ____/ /  ____/   \  \      /  //  ____/ /  ____/
   /  /  \  \ \  \____ \  \____    \  \____/  / \  \____ \  \____
  /__/    \__\ \_____/  \_____/     \________/   \_____/  \_____/ CR
  XeeGee Presents :
  Arctic Bay
  Tracked by ... XeeGee
  Using ........ MP Tracker 1.16
  Genre ........ Melodic Trance
  Length ....... 6:26
  Tempo ........ 138 Bmp
  Begining on .. 03.08.2002
  Finished on .. 06.08.2002
  Listen to this song and you will feel like you are some where by
  the Arctic Bay, on a cold and ice pleace, where are some see gulls
  and pinguins. I hope you will like it. Please let me know what do
  you think. Some comments would be very nice. Thanks!
  P.S.: Use ModPlug Tracker to listen to this song.
  Some nice effects may not play in other programs.
  Convert the song into wav, or mp3 and listen in WinAmp
  ( if you got slow CPU < 500 Mhz ).
  Greetings goes to :
  AceCream, Acidsoul, Analysis, Aron Ducet, Danny Deeyee, DJ Azur,
  DJ A.S.D., DJ Bourg, DJ DeepVibe, DJ-distance, DJ Keys, DJ Kneh,
  DJ Mirage, DJ Shout, DJ Stance, Gedas, HyoCHAN, ImpulzeR,
  Infected-zone, Ivory, JJMax, Masenka, Proximus, PyroZane, Randor,
  Rave-n, Rene, Resonance, Ruslan_Studio, Saiko, Simen, Spirituality,
  Szartd, TranceDEMON, Xcalibur and all other trackers that i forgot.
  Special thanks goes to:
  AceCream, DJ Bourg, DJ DeepVibe, Infected-zone, JJMax, Masenka,
  Rave-n, TranceDEMON, Xcalibur.
  If you want to e-mail me, my e-mail is: xeegee_msn.com
  Visit The Cynical Records site: http://beam.to/cynical-records
  (P) & (C) 2002 - XeeGee

Arctic Bay

by XeeGee

was finished

on 06.08.2002

see comments

for more


© 2002

bass 1
bass 2
clap 1
clap 2
hi-hat 1
hi-hat 2
hi-hat 3
hat 1
hat 2
hat 3
hat 4
hat 5
low string
string 1
inst 1
trance string
bongo 1
bongo 2
bongo 3
inst 2
inst 3
afrika conga drum
rim shot
water 1
water 2
water 3
sea gull
snare echo
bass 3
bass 4
bass 5
bass 6
inst 4
inst 5
rim shot
fade in
wind FX

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