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The Conjuration of "XILQA XILQA BESA BESA" or "A Most Excellent εεε εεεεεεεεεεε εε εεεεε εεεεε εεεε εεεε εε ε εεεε εεεεεεεεε Charm Against the Hordes of Demons" εεεεε εεεεεεε εεε εεεεεε εε εεεεεε Music and Vocals by Invisuu. Tracked on Impulse Tracker 2.14. Finished On November 2002. Lyrics taken from "The Necronomicon" by Aleister Crowley (1875-1975) █- Lyrics: Arise! Arise! Go far Away! Go far Away! Be Shamed! Be Shamed! Flee! Flee! Turn Around, Go, Arise and Go far Away! Your Wickedness may Rise to Heaven like unto Smoke! Arise and Leave my Body! From my Body, Depart in Shame! From my Body, Flee! Turn Away From my Body! Go Away from my Body! Do not Return to my Body! Do not Come near my Body! Do not Approach my Body! Do not Throng Around my Body! Be Commanded by Shammash the Mighty! Be Commanded by Enki, Lord of All! Be Commanded by Marduk, the Great Magician of the Gods! Be Commanded by the God of Fire, Your Destroyer! May you be Held Back from my Body! █- Instruments: -Drumkit: -Bassdrum: Unreal Tournament -Snare Drum: ?? -Toms: Unreal Tournament -Hihat: Unreal Tournament -Ride: ?? -Splash (Zildjian): Ripped from Behemoth - "Thelema.6" CD -Crash: Unreal Tournament -Guitar: Hybrido (I think) -Bass: Unreal Tournament -Gothic Strings III: Claymore -4 Horns: KiArchive site -Concert Bass Drum: KiArchive Site -Piatti Short: KiArchive Site -Timpani: Oliver Eue -Zobie Snare Drum: KiArchive Site █-Contact: -invisuu_datafull.com -lpace_sinectis.com.ar Invisuu. La Plata, Argentina. November, 2002.
Drumkit BlackGuitar = Bass Gothic strings III 4 Horns Concert Bass Drum Piatti Short Timpani Zobie Snare Drum Vox The Conjuration of --- ----------- -- "XILQA XILQA BESA BESA" ----- ----- ---- ---- ------------ ------ -By-Invisuu- -5:50- ------------ ------ ------------------------- ------------------------- - For the Tracked - - - - Aggresion 8 Music Disk- ------------------------- ------------------------- This song is one of the songs of Tracked Aggression 8 Musicdisk You can download it on www.trackedaggression.com ------------------------- ------------------------- BassDrum Snare Toms HiHat Ride Splash Crash -Guitar- = -Guitar- = -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- -Guitar- Bass Gothic Strings III Gothic Strings III Gothic Strings III Gothic Strings III Gothic Strings III Gothic Strings III Gothic Strings III Gothic Strings III 4 Horns C#4 Concert Bass Drum Piatti Short Timpani (Oliver Eue) Zobie Snare Drum ARISE.WAV ARISE4.WAV GOAWAY.WAV BESHAMED.WAV BESHAME2.WAV FLEE4.WAV FLEE2.WAV TURN.WAV ARISEGO.WAV UUUO.WAV WICKED.WAV HEAVEN.WAV ARILEAVE.WAV MYBODY.WAV FROMBODY.WAV DEPART1.WAV UUUO2.WAV TURNAW~1.WAV GOAWA2.WAV FROMMYB3.WAV DONOTRET.WAV DONOT2.WAV DONOT3.WAV DONOT4.WAV BECOMM1.WAV BECOMM2.WAV BECOMM3.WAV MARDUK.WAV BECOMM5.WAV DESTROY.WAV HELDBACK.WAV BECOMM4.WAV
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