Where Am I? (where.xm)
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Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Tue 3rd Sep 2002, rated 9 / 10.
Have you ever heard of artist called Smirk? Have you liked his music? Well, then you propably gonna like this one too. J/M/T/M is very promising artist if I can tell that by listening just one of his songs. Anyway he has also a rare style to make music or...Well, is this actually music? Who knows, but lets think that it is.=) As the song begins, it breaks the silence with analog synths that sound pretty nice and after a while a nice breakbeats come along. Well, couple of breaks and one full break at least.=) This track doesn't try to create any sticky melodies or anything but it plays with the samples with a very hilarious way. In this track one can hear some psychedelic silence but also a soundworld that is filled to the top. This song ain't rhythmic in a traditional way, but it doesn't get messy either. Very fresh and enjoyable piece of wierd ambient. Artist himself writes in his artistpages that one loves or hates his music. Well, I didn't loved this track, but I enjoyed from it very much.=) But despite the fact of weirdness considering this song, I do recommend that everyone should at least try this. Who knows, you might like it.=) If this song had some great musical points, it also works very well from the technical side. Huge amount of slides were used in the synths and it gave a nice hallucinating effect to this piece. I also liked the way how artist used drums. Enough variation with a small work. And as I mentioned before something about the rhythm of this piece... The tempo in this song was also a bit different, the song runs with a changing speed of A04-A08 and so on.It was also a nice small detail, that gave its own taste to this strange soup. Good job from my point of view, or hearing.
Have you ever heard of artist called Smirk? Have you liked his music? Well, then you propably gonna like this one too. J/M/T/M is very promising artist if I can tell that by listening just one of his songs. Anyway he has also a rare style to make music or...Well, is this actually music? Who knows, but lets think that it is.=) As the song begins, it breaks the silence with analog synths that sound pretty nice and after a while a nice breakbeats come along. Well, couple of breaks and one full break at least.=) This track doesn't try to create any sticky melodies or anything but it plays with the samples with a very hilarious way. In this track one can hear some psychedelic silence but also a soundworld that is filled to the top. This song ain't rhythmic in a traditional way, but it doesn't get messy either. Very fresh and enjoyable piece of wierd ambient. Artist himself writes in his artistpages that one loves or hates his music. Well, I didn't loved this track, but I enjoyed from it very much.=) But despite the fact of weirdness considering this song, I do recommend that everyone should at least try this. Who knows, you might like it.=) If this song had some great musical points, it also works very well from the technical side. Huge amount of slides were used in the synths and it gave a nice hallucinating effect to this piece. I also liked the way how artist used drums. Enough variation with a small work. And as I mentioned before something about the rhythm of this piece... The tempo in this song was also a bit different, the song runs with a changing speed of A04-A08 and so on.It was also a nice small detail, that gave its own taste to this strange soup. Good job from my point of view, or hearing.
Internal Texts *
J/M/T/M $ay$: "Where Am I?" [$ec0nd F0xFire relea$e] FILE INF0 * * * * $tyle: Weird Ambient. Length: 5:19 Date: 02.03.03 [I've ventured far and bey0nd, but n0w I'm l0$t here far and endle$$ly fr0m h0me.. It'$ n0t bad being l0$t here, I have f00d and I can watch the $ea and m0untain$ but they l00k n0thing like th0$e we have back h0me. Thi$ place i$ all icy blue but it'$ n0t c0ld , actually it'$ quite warm. I $ee bird$ made 0f dark blue icecry$tal$ flying 0ver my head. I $ee $kyblue crab$ 0f the $ame material crawling 0n the beach. even the cl0ud$ are in a blui$h tint. I'm n0t g0nna tell y0u h0w I g0t here becau$e if I d0, y0u might c0me l00king f0r me and then y0u'd be l0$t here with me! n0, I'm ju$t g0nna $it here and l00k at thi$ place until I die 0f $tarvati0n..... heh. When I c0me t0 think 0f it, the$e crab$ l00k delici0u$. Maybe I'll try 0ne. later...... ] J/M/T/M the_mech_hotmail.com -- - - -- - - - - -- - - -- -- -- -- - -- -- - --- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- -- - . . . . . . /\ o . . . / \ . /\ . / \/ / \ --- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- \/\/(zz)\/\/ \/ o o | | <<< >>> <<<() ()>> | | | | ( ) ( ) Weeeeird! Break part #1 Break part #2 sampled by AKA (THE man) Full break. n0i$e Game Data File sampled by AKA
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Hmmm. I can't figure out this song. Lots and lots of parts that don't seem to blend in with the rest. It's a little annoying. The file size is a bit big for this style, too. Not the best.