synth_c_electricthief.xm (synth_c_electricthief.xm)
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Made by: mr_Zipox New instrument New instrument New instrument New instrument New instrument New instrument New instrument A2.wav C1acsbas.wav Dune.wav Specfx.wav Mutes.wav Kyoto.wav Drum10.wav Nsfreela.wav C#2.wav C3aahs.wav
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Let's just say that this one is not on the list of MODs that I would listen to very often... It's not that you can't listen to it, it's just that once is quite enough. There does seem to be a melody of some sort, but the instruments used to create this melody get old very fast. It's true that it's only 2:56, but that's long enough for me. Perhaps to make the song sound better, the instruments could be mixed together differently. The way they go together now is very grating at many points. I won't tell you not to download this, but just be warned that it's not that great. First of all, I noticed that 6 of the tracks in the module were not used ever in the song. This, I feel, is not needed. The samples aren't bad, but the way they're put together with other samples makes them sound worse than they really are. Besides the track usage, most of the problem in this MOD is with the music.