whispers.xm (whispers.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 29th Apr 2000
The Good StuffSummary
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Your Comments
Posted by Arne Puszelski on Fri 12th Jun 2009, rated 9 / 10.
Yes, a great orchestral track. Very good composing and great samples! I like the feeling in the whole song. Great ideas for the different parts and the whole song!
Yes, a great orchestral track. Very good composing and great samples! I like the feeling in the whole song. Great ideas for the different parts and the whole song!
Posted by Sinel on Wed 31st Oct 2007, rated 10 / 10.
It's really good. One of the best music files i have. Good and dynamic.
It's really good. One of the best music files i have. Good and dynamic.
Posted by Ghidorah on Thu 1st Jun 2000, rated 10 / 10.
One of the best songs that resides on my hd. Very dramatic and cute melodies, very powerful and very nicely tracked song gives me no other choice than give this song a well-deserved 10 points. As the song goes on it just keeps on impressing. You who havent already heard this one, will not be dissapointed by downloading this file. The only bad thing with this XM is it's file size. The reason is ofcourse high quality samples all over. The technique used is amazing and i especially likes the tempo jumps in the middle of the song.
One of the best songs that resides on my hd. Very dramatic and cute melodies, very powerful and very nicely tracked song gives me no other choice than give this song a well-deserved 10 points. As the song goes on it just keeps on impressing. You who havent already heard this one, will not be dissapointed by downloading this file. The only bad thing with this XM is it's file size. The reason is ofcourse high quality samples all over. The technique used is amazing and i especially likes the tempo jumps in the middle of the song.
Internal Texts *
---------------------- Whispers of the past part 1: "Young Warrior" By Cee-dee 1998-2000! --------------------- The first part in the trilogy of the Gaean warrior.. I started this project up in 98, sold it in its raw 60% version to a small mediamoviecompany, and finsihed it in Y2k ..Hope you like it..:) Part 2 is coming up soon.... For questions, mail: zwirre_hotmail.com --------> I would like to say hello to my beloved girlfriend Louise and to my former groups on the Amigascene 89-92.... turn... Fantasy... Ram-Jam AlphaFlight Equinox and to all my friends! Note on the groups... ---------> In Ram-Jam I was once known as Peek'a'boo(ze).. What a name..hehe By the way..There's a hidden part in this song...raw material! Pizzicato Pizzicato Trombone Timpani Drum STRING_1.WAV PAUKE.WAV MARAB.WAV BING.WAV NoName NoName 132.WAV ยท FLUTE2.WAV Sample 1.raw 001.WAV Choir11.wav 025.wav 024.wav 046.wav Small Chimes 106.wav 107.wav 104.wav best in my entire li 066.wav Korg02.wav 030.WAV 042.WAV KRAH.WAV PP_WATER THUNDER.WAV FluteF 036.WAV 037.WAV 035.WAV 042.WAV 039.WAV NoName sampled by AKA 011.WAV Sample 015.WAV 012.WAV 045.WAV 047.WAV 032.WAV 024.WAV efx thing
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Still is a very nice track i like the way it changes to a different style while adding it's own mood.