yesterday`s dreams (yestdr.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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1998 sami ak___ ___aka beathawk sami kiviniemi tokkatie 4 99800 ivalo finland almost allsamples from cncd sample cd.. didnt have much time to edit them. and so what. who carez. yesterday`s dreams tomorrows nightmares los saludos to all my friends. not going to give names, coz u`re all special ones. this was made for multichannel compo at dreamhack`98. feel free to like it. not for anykind of profitmaking. kissoilla pääsee lujaa eikä ole ees kypärä pakkoa. kiva täytyy ostaa pipo toiselleki jalalle. kurpitsamelonit. jag har en sju. sju är det vad jag har en sex mannen heter peter är en röda katten. mannen already from the yesterday är jag. Jn60_230.wav Kpoly049.wav Minik015.wav Minik016.wav Minik017.wav Minik018.wav Minik019.wav Drum009.wav Drum286.wav Drum072.wav Drum071.wav Drum249.wav Drum272.wav Drum020.wav Hit27.smp Loop003.wav Loop003.wav Loop003.wav Loop003.wav Loop003.wav Loop003.wav Loop003.wav Prot004.wav Xp055.wav Xp064.wav Jx3p007.wav Briff1.smp Jun002.wav Vox268.wav Vox580.wav Jx3p079.wav
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Well...just another plain techno song. Nothing new here, sounds pretty much the same as most of the others out there. Plain rhythm, nothing sticky, not many noticeable effects. Ok 8-bit samples consisting mostly of synths, a few voices, and a few clear cymbals.