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The Good StuffSummary
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\ | / __ / \ __ \ / / | \ ((oo)) >---|---< _/\_ *'*"*'*"*'*"*'*"* Get UP! Get UP! oo> DRUM EDITION <oo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any comments : Email tson_bigmir.net SMS +380677379110 Try to catch me on http://chat.bigmir.net >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TySon KIEV Summer 2002 BIS! My friends Peace with YOU!!! ^ ^ 0 0 \_______/ I realy HATE 8-bit... Sweet 16... ...yeah! that's it! ________________ For MODplug ONLY.
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Very nice beat, quite groovy. I am not a fan of how the song loops on the last 4 patterns though, makes it sound quite repetitive.
Makes me wonder if this was used in an intro.