Inside a Fog (
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Composed> by yosfits using Impulse Tracker 2.17 Title> Inside a fog Lenght> 4min 51sec Date composition> 20-october-2002 Style> Ambiental Channels> 17 Sounds> 17 Self-sampled> 7 Instruments> 28 ----*------*-------*--------*-------*-------*--------*-------*-------*---- - - - This tune was inspired on my previous "IT" (as u may guess), - - "From the Fog". It's like the second part... or the first one, - - or... well, it's up to ya.... - - - - --------*----------*----------*-----------*-----------*---------*--- - - ...also inspired on.......... . . .. . . .... . - - - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (T)2002 by YOZFITZ, >;> ICQ#9050496
By YoZfitZ ------------------------- Date: 20-10-02 length: 4'51" Module: 89 ------------------------- ------------------------- This is the continuation of "from the fog".... or the other way round; it's the same. Anyway, it was composed afterwards... The order is ur choice... ------------------------- Well, here goes 1 more and 11 remaining... ------------------------- hope u like it. ------------------------- icq=9050496 geliebt marisun --evlerden ben gidiorum- Cba. Argentina!-PERO SOY! PORTEN~O! BrassChord.Major -unk BrassChord.G#Major -unk BrassChord.FMajor -unk BrassChord.Minor -unk %TOM2 -yfts BASS5 -yfts 1DSRADIO/doom -yfts hithat -unk WindHowl.loop -unk .viento.2 -yfts BD16.WAV -yfts ful -unk Another Cymbal -unk Super Slide()()()()/ -unk 113-PIA -yfts Oboe -unk %BAS1 -yfts Thanx to those unknown samples owners.... By yozfitz
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